Sikresiden.no is created by and for Norwegian universities, colleges, and research institutions. More than 30 organizations in Norway participate in the Sikresiden collaboration, which is a social innovation.

We operationalise guiding documents so they effectively reach the organization, ensuring that students and employees know what to do when something happens and how they can contribute to preventing unwanted incidents .

Video about what Sikresiden.no is and how it can be used (4 min)

The purpose of Sikresiden.no is to provide students and employees with knowledge so they know:

  • what they can do themselves in undesirable situations
  • where they can get help
  • how they can contribute to preventing unwanted incidents

Sikresiden.no delivers:

The participants in the Sikresiden collaboration are: AHO, ANSA, BI, HiMolde, HiNN, HiVolda, HIØ, HVL, Høyskolen Kristiania, KHIO, KRUS, LDH, MF, NHH, NIH, NLA Høgskolen, NMBU, NMH, NORD universitet, NTNU, OsloMet, The Norwegian Police University College, The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and SkillsThe Sami University of Applied Sciences, Simula, UiA, UiB, UiO, UiS, UiT, UNIS, USN, and VID.

Experts from the participating organizations work together to create the content and contribute to the management and further development of the platform.

We have also had professional discussions and received input from a range of experts, including from the Norwegian Police, The Norwegian Police Security Service, The Directorate of Health, The National Trauma Competence Center, The National Research Ethics Committees, NSSF, NSM, The Data Protection Authority, Oslo’s Assault Center, Lykkepromille, The Emergency Preparedness Council for higher education, and several student welfare organisations.

Everyone in the higher education sector shares the same core activities, legislation, and common requirements from the Ministry of Education and Research (KD). We save resources and achieve more when we share, reuse, and collaborate.

The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research recommends the use of Sikresiden.no; see Chapters 6.5 and 10.4 in the governing document.

Links to sikresiden.no can be freely shared without restrictions.

Sikresiden.no (On the Safe Side) is protected by copyright in accordance with the Norwegian Copyright Act (Åndsverkloven).